As a component of the D-Parliament electronic platform, the D-Petition system was introduced in 2022 and enables citizens to submit requests and petitions on particular topics falling under the purview of the parliamentary mandate. A crucial component of Mongolia's initiatives to establish a more transparent, democratic, and consultative parliament is this system.

Voting on bills presented to parliament and online public opinion polls is open to the public through the D-Petition system. The Mongolian Constitution, which guarantees the people's right to participate in government affairs through elected representatives, upholds this right. The State Great Khural (Parliament) law of Mongolia further states that the official electronic system of the Mongolian Parliament may be used by citizens to exercise this right by posing questions or casting ballots on particular issues. Those who are over eighteen and who are citizens of Mongolia may use D-Petition by using an electronic signature or the e-service DAN system. They can vote on bills presented to Parliament, form working groups on particular topics, and carry out oversight activities within the purview of the Standing Committee. A citizen may only vote once on a proposal or petition.

In accordance with Article 3.4 of the protocol on "Enhancing Citizen Participation and Opinion Poll through Electronic System," vulgar language is not permitted and electronic petitions must expressly state the subject, purpose, and justification. The petition advances to the next stage of voting, which is available in the electronic system for 30 days, if it receives more than 100 votes. The voting process is deemed to be finished ahead of schedule if a working group petition receives 33,000 or more votes, a standing committee audit petition receives 70,000 or more votes, or a bill petition receives 100,000 or more votes.

The Secretary General of the State Great Khural is responsible for organizing the voting and technical procedures. The voting results are delivered to the Chairman of the State Great Khural within three working days. Petitions that meet all the requirements are discussed within 14 days during the regular session. If the regular session is on holiday, the Standing Committee considers the petition and makes a decision within 10 days after the start of the regular or extraordinary session. However, if 100,000 or more citizens support a petition for a bill, the Chairman of the State Great Khural reports it to the plenary session and transfers it to the relevant Standing Committee.

 Source: https://www.parliament.mn/nn/41082/