Dividends shall be distributed from the net profits of the company after taxes are paid. [ ... ]
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Dividends shall be distributed from the net profits of the company after taxes are paid. [ ... ]
When cedar nuts are not fully ripe, people collect and sell them in large quantities. The law provides for a fine of 5.4 - 27 million MNT for illegal harvesting. For example, Article 24.1 of Chapter 24 of the Special Part of the Criminal Code stip [ ... ]
This regulation approved by Ministry of Education and Culture number 113 of April 9, 2001. This regulation shall apply to foreign national studying and improving their professional skills in higher education institutions of Mongolia. [ ... ]
Foreign nationals shall have the following rights in the territory of Mongolia: - To enter Mongolia and reside set forth in the present Law and other laws and regulations; - Foreign citizens may only be employed in organizations classified by laws as [ ... ]
The Law on State Registration of a Legal Entity and the Law on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing of Mongolia was amended on 26 April 2018. [ ... ]
This regulation shall be applied to regulate relations concerning to the issue of labour force abroad, receiving payment, reduction and exemption of jobs specified in Article 9 of the Law of Mongolia on Sending labour force abroad and receiving labou [ ... ]